Engraving training

Etching training

Professional training organisation

Quality certification has been awarded in the category: TRAINING ACTIONS

Charlotte Massip’s workshop “individual entrepreneur” is a professional training organization (Qualiopi certified)

2022-2023 SESSIONS

Should you have other possibilities of dates in mind do not hesitate to ask me about it.

– Tuesday 14 to Friday 17 November
– Tuesday 12 to Friday 15 December


 – From Tuesday 30 January to Friday 2 February 2024
 – From Friday 9 to Monday 12 February 2024



– From Thursday 21 to Sunday 24 March 2024 
– From Thursday 4 to Sunday 7 April 2024

Who is the training for?

This training is aimed at artist-authors / teachers / graphic designers / architects / craftsmen…


No knowledge of ETCHING is necessary. You can be a beginner or an experienced artist.

They will complete their internship with solid expertise. My training will allow you to become autonomous.


Objectives / Means and Methods

In this course, the trainee will discover or reinforce his or her knowledge of the different printing techniques and processes.

Each trainee will carry out a personal project during which they will acquire a good knowledge and practice of the different techniques at their disposal, experimenting with the different stages necessary until the final printing of their matrices.

– Alternating theoretical and practical contributions.

– Individual guidance on the reflection and adequacy of the project/media.

– Learn to master the techniques of intaglio engraving.

– To carry out a project in intaglio engraving.

The access time

The access time is the time between the moment a trainee contacts me to register for a training course and the moment the training action is carried out. It takes about a month from the time I generate the estimate to the decision by AFDAS or Pôle Emploi.

Monitoring and evaluation of results

– Optional individual interview before the start of the course, in the worst case a telephone call to prepare the course, especially in the formulation of your expectations.

– Two copper plates will be sent to the trainee’s home, so that he/she can prepare a detailed work beforehand, to save this time.

– Quiz to fill in and sending by mail of your images, allowing me to apprehend the work.

– The control and the evaluation of the trainee is CONTINUOUS, it is appreciated throughout the module by the trainer. The trainee will be given a “hot questionnaire” at the end of the module.

– A “cold questionnaire” survey is carried out with the trainee 3 to 6 months after leaving the programme in order to measure the impact of the training on the development of his/her professional activity and to gather his/her opinion on the quality of the programme.

What are the conditions for 100% financing 

You are an artist-author:


If so, then you have access to training as soon as you can prove 9,000 euros in gross receipts or royalties over the last three years.

If you are affiliated to Agessa or the Maison des Artistes,  l’AFDAS can finance one or more training courses per year and per person.

This gives you the right to training funding of 5040 euros per year from AFDAS. The Afdas hotline can be reached on 01 44 78 55 87.

There is an equivalent system for auto-entrepreneurs in the arts with the FAFCEA; and with PÔLE EMPLOI.


Contact me by email,, or call me on 06 10 37 28 27  and I will help you put together your application.

You are an employee:


 As an employee, your professional training can be covered by your company’s training plan.

You are an entrepreneur:


As an entrepreneur, and if you are a non-salaried worker manager, it is AGEFICE, AGEFOS, FAFCEA or FIFPL that will be able to help you finance your professional training.

The different Training Insurance Funds for auto-entrepreneurs Depending on your main activity, the FAF to which you should apply for funding for your training will be different.



There are 3 Training Insurance Funds for auto-entrepreneurs:


Les artisans doivent s’adresser au FAFCEA pour financer une formation en lien avec leur activité. Pour une formation transversale (marketing, comptabilité, gestion, etc.), il faut se rapprocher du Conseil de la Formation de la CMA de votre région.

Les commerçants et les professions libérales non réglementées créées à partir du 1er janvier 2018 dépendent de l’AGEFICE pour le financement de leurs formations.
Les auto-entrepreneurs exerçant une profession libérale réglementée ou non réglementée affiliée à la CIPAV doivent eux s’adresser au FIFPL afin de faire financer une formation.

How to get to the workshop

My workshop is located in FONTENAY-AUX-ROSES (92260) at 17 rue Mordillat

Access: RER B or metro L13 Châtillon Montrouge – a few km from Paris, possibility of accommodation on site.

Follow me on Instagram:

Training content

Artists can follow my training programme, allowing them to start without any knowledge of printmaking but also for those who want to improve their skills. They will finish their training with a solid expertise.

My training will enable you to become autonomous.


4 intensive, creative and experimental days (min 32H) –  1568 euros material included.

possibility of accommodation on site.

Maximum 3 people

You will carry out your project, 4/5 copper plates, exploring, superimposing various techniques between them (Etchingaquatintsoft varnish, printing several plates, chine-collé…). You will leave with about thirty prints.

For sculptors, I will be happy to guide you to transcribe your universe in 2D volume and accompany you in the realization of several engravings. Engraving is not only a line work, you can with the aquatint technique work shapes and volumes by a subtle game of gradation; as well as by the technique of soft varnish, you will find materials of forms (imprints of fibers, lace in copper…).

For painters, the gesture of aquatint being executed with a brush, you will be surprised by this astonishing rendering of modeling, and of course we can print by superimposing 2 plates for 2 colors. I will suggest chine-collé technique similar to collage instead when printing your matrix which offers a unique colored print)

L’atelier de Charlotte Massip « entrepreneur individuel » est un organisme de formation professionnelle (certifié Qualiopi)
NDA : 11922513992 – SIRET: 431 447 879 00039 

the workshop

Intervention in schools

Proposals for different courses in primary and secondary schools.

ADAGE and Pass Culture for secondary schools and Classe PAC for primary schools.

In-service training opportunities for teachers, INSPE.

Proposals for different courses:

You will discover the printed image, a fun workshop where you will make your own engraving from A to Z on a matrix.

Materials provided: Plastic plate (Rhenalon plate) or CD disc, paper for printing, different colours of water-based ink, tarlatan so that everyone can have their own “doll” for wiping their plate, one tabletop intaglio press 50 cm wide and a drypoint per child.

Presentation: Introduction to the printed image.
What is Print? Printmaking in the history of art, the variety of techniques used and how they are different (copperplate engraving, woodcut, lino, lithography, silkscreen) and the tools used.
I will bring different original engravings by contemporary artists as well as books and illustrations following the theme chosen by the teacher.

I will make my own engraving with a drypoint on a sheet of Rhenalon (a transparent plastic sheet which allows the drawing to be easily transferred, the montage/paste made and thought-out beforehand (or on a CD for the younger ones). This support for a first experience does not require the use of acid. We will approach the “mirror image” to inscribe text and captions upside down on the plate (an engraving process where the image is reversed on the matrix).

I will bring my 50 cm wide Reig press to class so that each child can make several prints of their print.
With water-based inks that I will also provide (aquawash from Charbonnel), they will ink their matrix in a different colour for each print. Then comes the time of wiping (tarlatan).

It is possible to approach prints using the chine-glued technique. This consists of colouring with acrylic inks a Japanese paper, which brings colour to the print (either on the whole background or in small touches).
Another technique proposed, depending on the time available, is the embossing of wooden letters or lace to create relief.
Depending on the time available, we can go further into the work, in order to design a “book object”, which will remain in the school. In this way, we will approach the relationship between text and image using the book as model.

Formation et enseignements/interventions

1991/1994 – Formation illustration dans l’atelier de Claude Lapointe aux Arts Décoratifs de Strasbourg.
1990 – Ecole Supérieure d’Imprimerie Estienne à Paris, section gravure taille-douce/ DMA.
1989 – Baccalauréat F12 Arts Appliqués au lycée de Sévres( 92)

Interventions pédagogiques autour de l’image imprimée aux futurs instituteurs à l’INSPE de Auch.
Interventions ateliers d’initiation à la gravure pour les jeunes dans les Centres Culturels de la Ciotat (13600), de Toulouse (31000), de Gradignan (33170)
Chef d’atelier de gravure et responsable de l’enseignement à la Tarlatane atelier municipal de la ville de Sceaux (92)
Intervention d’initiation à la gravure en classes de collèges dans le cadre de l’opération Arts visuels au collège dirigé par la Direction des affaires culturelles du Conseil départemental de l’Aveyron
Interventions d’ateliers gravure pour jeunes et adultes dans les centres culturelles et médiathèques à Bordeaux et en Gironde; Professeur de dessin et de peinture dans les Ateliers des Beaux-Arts Sup de Bordeaux.
Intervention au sein du dispositif Panorama dirigé par le rectorat et la Drac de Normandie d’interventions artistiques dans les collèges .