
My collection of wallpapers

Individually and by your measures

Select from three different styles 

Then you choose a model in its entirety...

Together we can select a detail of the model design of your choice and enlarge it.
To help you choose, I can provide you with several virtual scenarios.
All you have to do is provide me with the measurements of your wall and a photo of your space.

or choose part of a design.

For example, above, we have chosen “Babel” and decided to zoom into its tower (see opposite).

High quality printing

My environmentally friendly paper is carefully chosen for its finish and quality.
Thick, opaque, non-woven, matt and smooth, it can be wiped with a sponge.
It is laid edge-to-edge. It is made easier by the thickness of the paper, which resists tearing and does not shrink during drying.
All made in France.

Pre-glued 175 g paper: it has a water-activated glue on the back and can be repositioned during hanging.
These wallpapers are made up of strips depending on the format. .

Good discovery